Hearts and Hearth

On the night of the Summer Solstice, my own men’s group met to extinguish our limitations, celebrate our strengths, and ignite our days forthcoming. It was a picturesque 80-degree early summer Portland evening with whimsical clouds and lively flames reflecting our inner magic.

The four of us converged around a fire and engaged in letting go of what is limiting us in our lives. When I had a hard time getting into my body and out of my head, the fire helped me get there. Slowly, I was able to let go of judgments, fear, and ego, in order to arrive fully in trust of the process, and it took effort. I am noticing how easily it is for me to spin out in thoughts and become ungrounded. Getting more in my body, more often, is perhaps my clearest intention that came out of this night.

I left our gathering feeling humbled, renewed, and potent. I have an ease of trust in not knowing, a confidence that in being connected with my personal power, I can let go of the need to have all the answers. I hate when I’m playing the Know-it-all! I’m diving deeper into the present and trusting its vast and mysterious depths.

In holding space with my brothers this night, I was inspired by their attunement to each other’s needs, experience, and inner truth. Such brotherhood and wisdom in my life is an unbelievable gift, and the more I get, the more I want to give. I have much to learn about myself, my potential, and my life, and my community is both my classroom and my teacher.


Thanks to all who walk the path of heart and breathe the fire of truth, let’s do big things.

