This week, I offer two suggestions on how you can start to play with your balance between autonomy and connection in relationship. [one_half][button link="" size="large" target "_blank" color="alternative-1" lightbox="false"]SCHEDULE YOUR FREE 30-MINUTE CONSULT[/button][gap height="5"][gap height="30"]...

No one needs to have an affair for there to be excitement and drama in your relationship. These five elements will help keep you and your partner flourishing! Click here for my latest blog post on! [one_half][button link="" size="large" target "_blank" color="alternative-1" lightbox="false"]SCHEDULE YOUR FREE...

Being a therapist who gets charged up working with people on the quality of their relationships, I have recently been asking myself this question. As a therapist, this question helps guide me closer to the most purposeful form of relationship work I can muster. For...